Adult Games
Syn Games for adults:

Like in the Childrens Games  also the adults  play along a little storyline. Usually with   a strictly designed set of visuals, a certain environment and also a lot of earthy colors painting to create my MMK look. Specific themes have specific visuals, sounds, props and scripts.

While in transformances the artists try to "assist" a certain situation in syn-games  are more planned and theatrical most of the times. Many times  they were used on stage and for videos. 

In 1988 I used to call my scripted games
"syn-work-performances" or "synesthetic performances".

But since I am not too interested in the staged aspect and rather aim towards a commonly  shared experience  I wanted to separate this approach from the
traditional performance arts.

So now these pieces are calles syn-games.  Its a little shorter .
And games are something everybody could adapt for himself and play too .